This article appears in Forbes digital publication on their website as part of the Forbes Halo 100 Brand list for 2021. We have partially reprinted some of the article here. The article was attributed to Diane Brady with Forbes.
Attention, holiday shoppers! What better time of year to talk about the customer experience? That’s what we measured last week with the Forbes Halo 100, published on December 16 in partnership with HundredX. The Dallas-based data and analytics company collected feedback from more than 110,000 U.S. customers on more than 2.8 million interactions with 2,000-plus brands. In addition to giving us insight into how well brands are actually serving customers, that data enabled us to see how well these companies are serving different groups of customers, and how well their brands fare when it comes to perceptions of trust and brand values. For more on the methodology, click here.
Now, we’ve dug further into the data to reveal the top brands by category. While these companies didn’t crack the Halo 100, they were recognized as the best in their categories by customers surveyed by HundredX. Does anyone love their wireless provider? Maybe not. But Verizon Communications outscored its rivals in a category where customers can be tough to please.
Click here to view the full article on the Forbes website.
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